I don’t know what to call this post.
Frankly, whenever I start writing, its always the title which I begin with. They are mostly rip-offs from songs or movie names or something. This time, I am writing this all blank.
There was this training session at office today. Not a great one if you ask me. Because it concerned something I have lost faith on…the Performance Management System.
Nevertheless, I continued in the session and there was this one part where the trainer tried co-relating the personal and my professional life. And that, struck a chord. My personal goals were as important. So I have decided, atleast one post a week.
Agreed, that I may not have such life changing experiences as some of the famous bloggers do everyday. But what the heck, i realized, writing is one of the things I enjoy the most.
Right from the time, I was in my 1st standard till now, inherently, there was always this guy who wanted to write something. Something which would probably help some one else get rid of their demons.
Right now, as I sit here, typing these lines, half drunk and fully frustrated, I realize, I need to write for my own sake. A catharsis which I oh so frequently need.
I will write from now on, not for some one else, but for my own joy.
I still haven’t decided what to call this. ‘Rebirth’ would be too strong…I have kind of messed up with the sanctity of that word. After all, there is only a limited number of times a person can be reborn.
I just read something which I had written on the walls of my room. I don’t know the relevance of it to the post, but right now, it just fits.